
Hi, how are you?

So it’s been around 7-8 months since I’ve uploaded anything here. Sorry! My mind is sincerely blown that it has been that long—though to be fair I still think it’s March and here we are in June 2020.

I have to be honest—2019, particularly the end, was kind of rough. I fell off my routine sharing weekly photos, and updating here because of a few factors: travel opportunities throughout the year (all were wonderful but set me far behind my photo workflow routine), day job stress, extra freelance work which took up my spare time (no complaints!), Accutane and my acne “journey” if you will, and then the holidays.

Suddenly it was 2020. Lots of wonderful reflections on the Internet about the last 10 years, where everybody was in 2010 versus 2020, huge milestone, blah blah, at the time it felt overwhelming to look back and say anything meaningful. In the last year, so many friends have had awesome career advancements, are moving or have moved, have new relationships, or are engaged, married, are expecting kids etc.—I have to say that seeing the wonderful nourishing ways that those around me have built their lives brings me joy.

2020 photos since March

In January and into February, the art collective I’m involved in was busy finishing up our community cookbook (amwa cookbook 01: potluck) that we fundraised for, printed, and threw a launch event to birth the baby into the world.

And in March, well—the pandemic that the US was blindly ignoring and/or actively downplaying finally reached Los Angeles and became a very real thing. I squeaked in two weekends of back-to-back travel, one to see my friends in Tucson, Arizona, and the other to attend a wedding at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo. After that weekend, we were told that we were to be working from home until further notice, and reality set that covid-19 was here to stay.

2020 photos since March
On March 28, we adopted Yeti. Our third dog. Yeti has made life in lockdown fun and unpredictable, and I can say with 100% certainty that he is the weirdo dog that we’ve been waiting for. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that dogs and plants have occupied a lot of my quarantine time. And I’m sorry, I’ve transformed from boring kind-of-youthful-person to boring regular adult.

2020 photos since MarchYeti 5 months

We adopted him through a rescue in SoCal (and ominously had to drive through Corona, California to meet him for the first time). His mom looks like a yorkie-chihuahua mix, and his siblings look like a chihuahua and a poodle. So we’re not really sure what his is, but based on some googling and reddit, I think he’s a yorkie-chihuahua-maltese-poodle aka so adorable who cares. As I’m writing this he is 5 months old and is bonkers and we love him.

March was also just a huge adjustment period to life with “safer at home” orders from the mayor of LA. If anybody is reading this, I’m sure your life drastically changed too. A project I worked on for Getty during quarantine got insanely popular online, and for weeks my team fielded media requests and extra work which seemed like a blessing and curse at a time when I was worried constantly about my parents’ health and checking in on friends.

2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March

In April, I turned 30 (and so did Marie, hbd Marie…) and now I can say as a wise old person that I don’t know shit about anything. I’m humbled every day.

A brief intermission for some food shots:

2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March

Since lockdown, Zach has truly been going above and beyond in the kitchen. Grateful that the only thing he doesn’t really like is eggplant (which I still think is a tragedy because eggplant is delicious). It’s been so fun to use cooking and dinner time as a real *event* now that less is going on day to day. What have you been cooking?

2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March

In May, the reality hit that we’d be working from home for the rest of the year…or longer. I went to work to pick up my desk chair, because the combination of working from my drafting table while sitting on a pile of pillows caused all sorts of back and shoulder issues. For a weekend my neck even seized up and I couldn’t move without intense pain. Fun! Turns out ergonomics is important, I moved my work set up to another room and now I can stare at the kitchen all day long (unless I close the swinging door ha).

2020 photos since March

It is nice to appreciate this space though, we used to only use it when hosting game nights or dinners—and since we can’t do that now I can just reflect on the memories and observe any and all packages that come to the front door. I cleaned up a bench we had outside and moved it in to make a little zone for the dogs to sit near me as I work, they can look out the window and enjoy the sounds and smells.

2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March

Mother’s Day came and went, and we got to spend it together sharing brunch. Sad that we had to break what had become an annual tradition of spending Mother’s Day with my mom’s side of the family in a big house staycation style, but the zoom call with all of us was a fun treat…

In May it was also Tristan’s birthday—everybody’s favorite Gemini. We’ve found ways to socialize that feel comfortable to us—outside only, masks on, frequent sanitizing, etc.

2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March

The end of May also marks the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and the start of protests country-wide (and well…worldwide) against police brutality. Black lives matter.

Beyond protesting, I’ve spent a lot of June talking with colleagues from work, how can we make our institution a safer and better place to work for people of color, and importantly Black folks? The “art world” and museum field in general has a lot of shit to work out, all linked to colonialism, white supremacist power structures, exploitation of unpaid labor, *and more*. I’m also grateful to learn about organizing principles and strategies through organizers and technologists online like @lifewithbianca_ and @kifahshah who have been putting together free presentations for poc interested in organizing from where they are. Learning so much and grateful for their energy and time. (The third in their intro series is on July 5 btw if you are interested) More work to continue of course.

2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March

All my obsessing over my plants throughout quarantine have paid off, and so far everybody is a happy baby. I’ve been nursing some shiso seeds (I’m not sure why they haven’t gotten much bigger than pictured above…but they are alive) and growing some veggies outside. My indoor plants were repotted in March and have since popped the frick off.

2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March

I have been water propagating my pothos and I hope to have a little jungle in the next month or so.

2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March
2020 photos since March

In early June I also opted-in to get a free covid-19 test through the city—and welp…I was positive. I used a symptom tracker shared with me through a coworker to log the experience, and today I am on day 22 since the day I *think* I was exposed to coronavirus.

2020 photos since March

I feel very grateful that I didn’t pass it on to anybody (the one person I saw who I thought might be at risk tested negative) but it did shake me up a bit—even though I took precautions like wearing a mask and washing my hands, sanitizing frequently, etc. I still caught it. A mild case, thankfully.

The first few days my symptoms were so mild I thought I was totally asymptomatic. But also they came. My symptoms are muscle pain, headache, dizziness, fatigue, cold feet and a weakness and tingling aching sensation in my legs, these have lasted 13 days so far. And though I have a mild case, I still haven’t been able to do much except lay flat on my back for nearly 2 weeks. Please wash your hands, wear a mask, etc.

2020 photos since March

And so I leave it here. I am nearly recovered from covid-19, I hear fireworks in the neighborhood, Yeti gets his first haircut tomorrow, and life in quarantine continues.

I hope you are well and healthy and happy as we can be now.

Much love friends.

Posted by:sarahwaldo

By day I'm a content producer at an arts org in Los Angeles, by night I am the overly apologetic brain and face of sleepywaldo.blog

26 replies on “2020 Pandemic Update, Why Not?

  1. Welcome back, Sarah! I’ve been following you since your LJ days. I always look forward to your updates. 🙂

    Yeti is so cute! I love puppies. Our youngest pup in the family just turned 3.

    I fall into the vulnerable population so I’ve been staying home a lot since the pandemic started. I’m absolutely terrified, but a lot of it stems from my anxiety. I’m hoping to get back out there responsibly. Get well soon! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Glad you’re doing okay Sarah! Very thankful it was a mild case.

    Does it look like The Getty is going to be closed rest of the year, or just that you’ll be working from home going forward? How do you feel about it?

    Stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! We’re not sure about the Getty opening up to visitors yet, that may happen before most of the staff return to the campus offices actually. I’ve been told I’ll be (most likely) working from home the rest of the year though.


  3. welcome back! i’ve missed your posts so much. so glad to hear you are on the mend from covid and that it seems like most of your people are doing ok, too!


  4. Time is so trippy right now…it feels like it’s passing so quickly, but my brain cannot catch up.
    Congrats on the success of the Getty Museum Challenge! It’s been so fun to follow.
    ALL THE FOOD PICS! Thank you for those.
    We adopted a quarantine puppy at the end of March too! Mochi has enriched our lives so much these past few months and was the best decision ever.
    Thank you for the update! Feel better soon.


    1. Time passing quickly, yet brain still playing catch up? Wow that truly describes this summer. Where did it go!

      Soooo exciting to hear about your puppy too! Delightful. How is your puppy doing now?


    1. It was great to see another post from you, but I’m so sorry to see that you’ve been ill with Covid 😦 I hope you’ve started to recover now and that you start feeling well soon.


  5. So glad to see an update on here. It’s like a breath of fresh air. The blogging world feels more dead nowadays despite the significant changes we’ve all had to go through like with quarantine, etc…

    I am glad you only got a minor case of the virus and that you are still healthy. I’ve had family members get the virus and some have recovered but some didn’t make it.

    Keep safe!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So good to see you post again – I must admit I was afraid that my times with you and your days were over. Even though we’ve never met, it felt like a friend was missing.
    I’m glad to hear, that you’re doing better now, do you have any idea how you might have gotten it? So far the very few people I kinda know who had it, were all surprisingly able to pinpoint the moment they got it. Hope you and your family stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your kind comment. 🙂 I hope you are well! (I am 90% sure I know how I caught it, but that is info I’m keeping to myself ha, sorry for the mystery…)


  7. So happy to see an update from you – I’ve been a follower since your high school days its a bit creepy to say I feel like I’ve known you for a long time haha. Anyway, glad to see you’re recuperating. Take care, Sarah!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Welcome back! Thank you for updating, and I’m glad you’re doing ok. I do follow you on instagram!! I was evacuated by the Peace Corps, and now I’m stuck at home just…trying to figure out which way to go. Be well friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was thinking about your Peace Corps work! Will you return if things are safer or are you thinking of just trying something totally new now that this is the state of our world…hope you are well otherwise! 🙂


  9. Greetings from VA, old LJ friend!

    I hope you’re feeling better at this point from covid, and hope you’re otherwise doing well. Seconding what someone else asked – is Getty closed through the year, or are you just WFH through then? I’m curious because museums are unique kind of spaces for this so I’m unnecessarily nosy. I live a few blocks from the VMFA in Richmond and I’m not sure what they’re plans are (or if they even have any) at this point.


    1. Greetings! I hope you are doing well!

      Getty will most likely open to visitors before all the staff return to site—still no confirmed date for that, but I will most likely be working from home for the remainder of the year for sure. It’s very tricky to regulate all of the Getty Center indoor and outdoor spaces, and with exhibitions open, a one-way flow of traffic is also a little tricky. I am not involved in the reopening team’s planning, but I sympathize with them. So many things to consider, everything feels so up in the air it must be so hard to plan!


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